
  • December Events!

    Hey there Breadfellows!

    I just wanted to drop a quick message to let you all know that I scored us a booth for the Zine Republishing Committee at Sylvania Square’s S2CON! 🎉

    You can find us at booth A3 in the Dealers hall, and the event will be running from December 14th to the 17th.

    We would absolutely love to see your friendly faces there! So mark your calendars and make sure to swing by! 🤗

  • August events

    Large group assemblies and voting periods are paused until further notice while we refine our methods of consensus gathering in favor of more consensus and less gathering. Meanwhile: movies, parties, and best of all, LECTURES

  • May 2023 General Assembly

    Saturday, May 20th, 3 PM SLT (6 PM EDT, 22:00 GMT) at the assembly hall

    Attend the general assembly to make new friends, steer our priorities, and renew our cause!

    As a member of the general assembly, you are encouraged to share proposals that will help Anarcho Rodentia meet you and your breadfellows’ changing needs. Speak up in SL group chat or start a thread in the “proposals-and-suggestions” Discord channel to get feedback and support for your ideas in advance of sharing them at the assembly.

    All members are invited to attend. If you are unsure if you qualify for membership please refer to the eligibility rules. Questions or concerns may be directed to a member of the Community Wellness committee (check the Anarcho Rodentia group in SL or the user list in the Discord server).