Housing Bylaws

  • Version 2.0 of the Anarcho Rodentia Housing Bylaws; ratified 30 July 2023.


Welcome to the Anarcho Rodentia Autonomous Zone (ARAZ) Housing Program! These bylaws outline the principles and guidelines that govern the housing initiative within the ARAZ community.

The Anarcho Rodentia Autonomous Zone Free Housing Initiative (ARAZFHI) is a voluntary association rooted in mutual aid, solidarity, and non-hierarchical principles. This housing program aims to provide accessible, inclusive, and sustainable housing opportunities for community members.

The following bylaws establish the framework for land allocation, decision-making processes, conflict resolution, and collective self-governance specific to the ARAZFHI housing program.

Together, we strive to create a housing community where voluntary participation, transparency, and collective care are central to our shared vision of an equitable and empowering living environment.

General Principles and Voluntary Participation:

  • The Anarcho Rodentia Autonomous Zone Free Housing Initiative (ARAZFHI) is a voluntary association predicated on mutual aid, solidarity, and non-hierarchical principles.
  • Membership within ARAZFHI is entirely voluntary, and individuals have the freedom to join or leave at any time without coercion or hierarchy.

Housing Committee and Decision-Making:

  • The Housing Committee is composed of elected facilitators responsible for coordinating key operations such as parcel management, NorPhones distribution, LI monitoring, and eviction processes. Facilitators are selected from the ARAZ General Assembly, ensuring democratic representation and preventing stagnation of power.
  • Facilitators are voted upon on a yearly basis, with allowance for the previous Facilitators to re-run in the case of no volunteers being available.
  • Due to specific use cases, Sam McGregor/Anarchist Husbando/ Whatever name they have currently is required to maintain membership in this committee to allow for them to maintain casperlet meters within the program until such time that such meters are no longer needed.
  • All decisions within the committee and broader ARAZFHI are reached through consensus-based or direct democratic processes, safeguarding equal participation and power distribution.

Land Impact (LI) Allocation and Utilization:

  • The ARAZFHI adheres to a fixed Land Impact (LI) allocation determined as a set percentage of the total available LI per simulator.
  • A baseline allowance of 75 LI is assigned to the first resident at each location, with each additional resident increasing the LI allowance by 35. Residents can request up to 150 LI (250 LI with additional residents) that will be determined on a case by case basis.
    • If someone feels that they need more than the baseline afforded to them, they can submit a request to the general assembly in the form of a proposal.

Land Assignment and Community Input:

  • Land allocation within ARAZFHI is determined through a participatory process, prioritizing community input and collective well-being. Community members are encouraged to propose and discuss land assignments during general assemblies or open forums.

Housing Committee Responsibilities:

  • The Housing Committee’s responsibilities include facilitating fair distribution of housing parcels, overseeing NorPhones distribution, monitoring LI usage, and promoting community self-governance in line with the principles of voluntary participation and non-hierarchy.

Active Community Involvement:

  • Members are encouraged to maintain an active presence within the community by engaging in ongoing discussions, attending general assemblies, and participating in decision-making processes.
  • At the bare minimum, members are expected to maintain a one linden auto-refunding casperlet box next to their domicile.

Eviction Criteria and Transparency:

Eviction is a last resort, but may be necessary under certain conditions.

  • The decision to evict a member must be reached collectively by members of the ARAZFHI, following thorough review and due process. If it is an issue where more than an eviction must occur, the entirety of the General Assembly must be involved.
  • The eviction process must be fully documented and transparent.
  • All evictions must be confirmed through a democratic vote by the Housing Committee.
  • Any eviction decision should be clearly communicated to the affected member, providing the reasoning, and offering opportunities for appeal or redress.
  • Self-requested eviction: A member may voluntarily decide to leave and request eviction, without any coercion. Evidence of the member’s intent to leave must be provided to ensure transparency.
  • Community consensus: If a member’s continued presence within ARAZFHI poses a significant threat to the well-being or safety of the community or individuals in the community, eviction may occur. Such decisions must be based on consensus reached during a general assembly or an open meeting scheduled for specifically such an action, ensuring collective agreement.
  • The member has been banned from Anarcho Rodentia or cannot participate due to Community Wellness or General Assembly actions.
  • The member’s LI usage significantly exceeds the limit, or their objects are negatively impacting the region’s performance or encroaching on public space or others’ housing. In such cases, a mediation process involving the member and the Housing Committee has to be attempted with proof of the attempts to resolve the issue, and it is proven that mediation has failed to resolve the issue before any eviction can take place.
    • In cases requiring object removal, only the offending objects will be removed, without full eviction.
  • The member has exceeded their one-month grace period of maintaining their rental box and either of the following sub-conditions applies, with priority based on overdue duration, from longest to shortest.
    • All other available free housing lots are occupied, with no possibility for new lots.
    • LI availability in their region is highly restricted, and no other means of freeing LI are available.

Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice:

ARAZFHI commits to a transparent and non-coercive process of conflict resolution, employing restorative justice principles and mediation techniques. The community encourages open dialogue, active listening, and empathy as key components of resolving conflicts and fostering mutual understanding. The tools offered to the community as a whole, are also to be used for this program as well

Non-Discrimination and Inclusivity:

ARAZFHI steadfastly upholds the principles of non-discrimination and inclusivity, ensuring equal access to housing opportunities for all individuals, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other characteristics.

Dynamic Bylaws and Periodic Review:

These bylaws are subject to periodic review and modification, with members actively encouraged to participate in this process. The bylaws should be considered living documents that can be adapted and improved through collective decision-making.

Mutual Aid and Solidarity:

Mutual aid, cooperation, and solidarity are core values within ARAZFHI. Members are encouraged to support each other in meeting their needs, sharing resources, and helping when required. The community strives to create an environment where collective care is prioritized.

Transparent Decision-Making:

Decisions made within the Housing Committee and ARAZFHI are transparent, ensuring that information is accessible to all members. Meeting minutes, records of decisions, and relevant discussions are shared openly to promote accountability and inclusion.

Resource Stewardship:

ARAZFHI members are urged to utilize virtual resources responsibly, taking into consideration the impact on the performance and enjoyment of the community. Collaborative efforts to optimize resource usage and avoid unnecessary waste are encouraged.

Skill-Sharing and Education:

ARAZFHI values skill-sharing, education, and knowledge exchange. Members are actively encouraged to share their expertise, engage in educational initiatives, and empower the community through the collective cultivation of skills and knowledge.

Violation of Bylaws:

If these bylaws are violated, the incident will be addressed through a transparent and democratic process, involving the Housing Committee and the broader community. Restorative actions will be prioritized, focusing on education, mediation, and collective resolution. Severe or repeated violations may lead to temporary or permanent exclusion from the ARAZFHI or the Community itself, subject to a democratic vote.