
  • August events

    August events

    Large group assemblies and voting periods are paused until further notice while we refine our methods of consensus gathering in favor of more consensus and less gathering. Meanwhile: movies, parties, and best of all, LECTURES

  • May 2023 General Assembly

    Saturday, May 20th, 3 PM SLT (6 PM EDT, 22:00 GMT) at the assembly hall

    Attend the general assembly to make new friends, steer our priorities, and renew our cause!

    As a member of the general assembly, you are encouraged to share proposals that will help Anarcho Rodentia meet you and your breadfellows’ changing needs. Speak up in SL group chat or start a thread in the “proposals-and-suggestions” Discord channel to get feedback and support for your ideas in advance of sharing them at the assembly.

    All members are invited to attend. If you are unsure if you qualify for membership please refer to the eligibility rules. Questions or concerns may be directed to a member of the Community Wellness committee (check the Anarcho Rodentia group in SL or the user list in the Discord server).

  • April 2023 General Assembly

    Saturday, April 22, 3 PM SLT (6 PM EDT, 22:00 GMT) at the assembly hall

    Attend the general assembly to make new friends, steer our priorities, and renew our cause!

    As a member of the general assembly, you are encouraged to share proposals that will help Anarcho Rodentia meet you and your breadfellows’ changing needs. Speak up in SL group chat or start a thread in the “proposals-and-suggestions” Discord channel to get feedback and support for your ideas in advance of sharing them at the assembly.

    All members are invited to attend. If you are unsure if you qualify for membership please refer to the eligibility rules. Questions or concerns may be directed to a member of the Community Wellness committee (check the Anarcho Rodentia group in SL or the user list in the Discord server).

  • Results of the March General Assembly poll

    29 total votes received. Thank you for voting! Speak up in the Discord or the Anarcho Rodentia group chat in SL for more information or to help make these projects happen.

    Proposal 1 – Passed. “Would you be willing to move to monthly general assemblies?”

    Proposal 2 – Did not achieve a quorum of 70% yes votes, did not pass. “Should General assemblies be conducted in text only?”

    Proposal 3 – Passed. Should we enact these bylaws? or

    Proposal 4 – Passed. Should we enact these bylaws for the ARAZ Creators Co-operative?!AmBS_rQD5_xGgqFx-H5_STevwbGlZg

    Proposal 124140Passed
    Proposal 2121070Not passed
    Proposal 325040Passed
    Proposal 422070Passed
    Table listing the count for each vote option and the result for each proposal
  • Voting and minutes for the March General Assembly

    See the minutes for a review of the meeting agenda and the proposals discussed.

    Vote on the proposals at this Google form. Voting closes at end of day SLT, April 1, 2023.

    Reach out to Sam McGregor or another member of Community Wellness if you wish to discuss the proposals without the use of Discord.

    2023’s second General Assembly took place March 25, 2023 at 3:00 PM SLT at the Community Center & KRAT meeting room with ~19 in attendance. It was chaired by Sam McGregor. Zanibar volunteered as recording secretary.